
Friday, September 23, 2011

How many grams in a cup..? Satu cawan berapa gram..?


How many grams in a cup..? Satu cawan berapa gram..?

Entry copy and paste dari SINI... Khas untuk mereka yang suka memasak kek - biskut - muffin atau apa saja masakan yang menggunakan kiraan atau sukatan gram.. Kadang-kadang ada orang yang suka gunakan cawan daripada nak kena timbang-timbang ni.. Kalau akupun suka gunakan cawan sebab nampak lebih mudah, main kaut je.. Takde la terkebil-kebil biji mata nak tengok jarum penimbang tu.. hahaha.. Buatnya jarum tu sewel atau tak berapa nak tepat, lagi la haru.. Dah la aku ni fail matematik... huhu..

It depends what you have in the cup: A cup is a measure of volume, but a gram is a measure of mass.

Depending on the density of the material you are going to have in the cup, the weight in grams of the material will vary. For example, if you fill the cup with lead, the cup will weigh much more than if you fill with feathers.

This question would be similar to asking how much a 6-foot person weighs. It depends on the person, of course. A cup of water will weigh more than a cup of flour.

For cooking, you can find tables that convert cups to grams and vice versa for a variety of food. Below is a link with a table for standard cooking ingredients. Make sure you look carefully and scroll down to find the correct conversion table specific ingredient you are using! The conversion is different for each ingredient!

Here are a few common foods and their conversion from cups to grams (notice how much the weight varies!):
Granulated sugar: 1 cup = 200 grams
Brown sugar: 1 cup, packed = 220 grams
Sifted white flour: 1 cup = 125 grams
White rice, uncooked: 1 cup = 185 grams
White rice, cooked: 1 cup = 175 grams
Butter: 1 cup = 227 grams
Almonds, slivered: 1 cup = 108 grams
Oil: 1 cup = 224 grams
Maple syrup: 1 cup = 322 grams
Milk, non-fat: 1 cup = 245 grams
Milk, sweetened condensed: 306 grams
Broccoli, flowerets: 1 cup = 71 grams
Raisins: 1 cup, packed = 165 grams
Milk, dry: 1 cup = 68 grams
Yogurt: 1 cup = 245 grams
Water: 1 cup = 236 grams
Confectioners sugar: 1 C = 110 g
Cocoa: 1 C = 125 g
To do the conversions, see the Related Link for a website called

More about this
In that we're in a discussion of volume - cups and fluid ounces, you've asked a difficult question: If you're measuring water, then 1 ounce is equal to 29.57353 ml, so 40 oz would be 1.183 liters. Since water weighs 1 gram per ml (or 1 kg per liter), then you'll have 1.183 kg, or 1,183 grams.

If, on the other hand, you are measuring anything else - oil, milk, flour, etc. - then you need to have one more piece of information before you can switch from volume to weight. You must know the specific gravity of the substance. An ounce of oil, for example, weighs less than an ounce of water (that's why oil floats on water).

200 grams = 1 cup
Okay, one cup equals 236 cubic centimeters. However, a cup of milk will weigh a different number of grams than a cup of cod liver oil. But to cut to the quick, asking how many grams in a cup is like asking how many pounds in a gallon. You are using two entirely different types of measurement, one of weight, the other of volume, to ask the question. A given volume of space filled with two different types of materials will have two different weights. Also, remember that in the more logical English system of measurement, a fluid ounce and a dry ounce mean two different things.

1 cup = 240 ml = 8 fl oz = 1/2 pint (liq) = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp, all measurements regarding kitchen and cooking are standard and do not vary depending on the material.

p/s: Boleh jugak aku buat rujukan.. :-)


  1. akak ikut yo azz..kalau resepi kato timbang.akak timbang..kalau kato cawan aru guno cawan..maleh nak ubah2..he he..pomaleh boto azz kan..baik tak yah buek lansung..

  2. selalu cik ina pakai cup sebab kat rumah memang tak de timbang.kalau tak de timbang buat kek cam susah sikit, kalau wat biskut tak pe.

  3. Kak Erna>

    Samo la mcm sey kak.. Cumo kadang2 sukatan cawan tu tak samo.. tu yg susah nak ejas tu...

  4. Cik Ina>

    Kat rumah sy ada sukatan cup tupperware tu.. Ingat nak guna yg tu la.. siap satu set lagi tu.. sayang lak kalau tak guna.. hehe..


Anak kucing tengok cermin..
Anak monyet tepuk perut..
Boleh aje mengomen..
Asalkan tidak mencarut..
Anak monyet tepuk perut..
Sambil mata memandang cermin..
Jika mahu komen mencarut..
Bersedialah kena print screen..
