
Sunday, September 26, 2010



Mata tak boleh nak lelap walaupun aku tidur tak sampai 3 jam. Ni semua gara-gara mimpi kena kejar dek hantu la ni. Ampeh punya hantu. Mungkin hantu Chelsea yang kejar aku tu kot sebab aku tersangat la sukanya bila pasukan 'blue' ni kalah di kaki Manchester City... Tapi takpe, lepas ni boleh tidur sampai tengahari... Jangan ada yang datang mengacau dah laa.. Kang tak pasal-pasal aku pulak yang jadi hantu... hahahaha...

Aku ada sedikit info yang aku jumpa masa aku jalan-jalankan jari tadi. Kalau korang rasa info ni berguna, praktikkan laa.. Kalau korang rasa info ni macam suwey je, just left it behind je la... Senang aje kan... Tak perlu ada konspirasi... =D

Aku copy paste je info ni. Nampak gayanya kena la keluarkan kamus.. Ni la padahnya kalau tak pandai dan tak faham Bahasa Inggeris. Baca tu boleh aje, tapi fahamnya.... hmmmm aje la... huhuhu...

Trojan viruses are one of the most harmful computer viruses that you can contract. There are a number of different ways to remove a virus; however, you do not want to give it any time to damage your computer -- you need to remove it as fast as possible.

1- Restart your computer in "Safe Mode." To do this, press "F8" from the beginning screen when your computer first starts to load.
  1. 2- Press the "Start" button from your computer's desktop.
  2. 3- Slide your mouse ove the "All Programs" tab, then the "Accessories" tab, and finally the "System Tools" tab.
  3. 4- Select "System Restore" from the list of options in the System Tools menu.
  4. 5- Make sure the "Restore my computer to a previous date" bubble is highlighted, and press "Next."
  5. 6- Select a date prior to contracting the trojan virus that you would like to restore your computer to, and press the "Next" button.
  6. 7- Restart your computer, and the virus will be gone as if it were never on your computer.


  1. salam kak azz~

    hehehe.. thanx ya atas info nie.. memang brguna... :)

  2. Lp Lum~> Wassalam Linda... Dah cuba buat ke? Akak belum buat lagi.. Kalau ada trojan ni, selalunya akak scan guna spyware doctor je.. pastu remove...


Anak kucing tengok cermin..
Anak monyet tepuk perut..
Boleh aje mengomen..
Asalkan tidak mencarut..
Anak monyet tepuk perut..
Sambil mata memandang cermin..
Jika mahu komen mencarut..
Bersedialah kena print screen..
