I Am Number Four... =)
Sejak bila pulak dapat pangkat nombor empat ni... haha..
Bukan aku la, tapi ni untuk kaki wayang..
Ada filem terbaru menanti kedatangan korang kat pawagam..

Three are dead. He is Number Four. D.J. Caruso (“Eagle Eye,” “Disturbia”) helms an action-packed thriller about an extraordinary young man, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), who is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events—his first love (Dianna Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.
Three are dead. He is Number Four. D.J. Caruso (“Eagle Eye,” “Disturbia”) helms an action-packed thriller about an extraordinary young man, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), who is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events—his first love (Dianna Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.
Thanks to Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 30 Nuffnangers and their guests will have the chance to join John Smith on the adventure of his life in I Am Number Four next week! Details of the screening are as below:
Date: 1 March 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 9.30 pm
Venue: Cathay Cineleisure, e@Curve
If you’d like to win a pair of passes to catch I Am Number Four next Tuesday, just leave a comment on this post and ell us what superpower you would have if you were an alien sent to Earth. The 30 most creative comments will win a pair of passes each to the Nuffnang Premiere Screening of I Am Number Four next week!

Kalau berani, cuba la pasang 4.. Pheeww...!!!
Aku kata: Tengok wayang je tau.. Jangan pulak korang yang buat wayang kat dalam panggung tu nanti... muahahahaha...
p/s: Cepat hantar komen kat page nuffnang tu. Mana tau kot-kot dapat tiket free.. Kalau komen kat sini tak dapat apa-apa pun... hehe...
8 Tukang Tembak:
azz..tak dapek apo2 pun x kisah..ado kesempatan dan line tenet ok..nak tinggal yo komen kek sini..
Kak Erna>
Tu yang suko kek akak tu.. Rajin masuk blog sy ni.. Mekasih banyak2 yo kak.. Mudah2an ado info boguno yg akak dapek kek sini yo kak... huhu...
**Mekasih la support saya kak..
tkyh dpt tiket free pon takpe la.. kat the curve tu.. baik dok umah chatting lagi baik kehkeh..
Aku belum Kawin Lagi La Der
jom kak azz kita p tgk sama.mcam bes je
Hehehe... Tak jemu ke asyik nak ceting je...
Jommm... Jangan ajak si Fariq tu.. Nanti dia bagi kita asap... hehe...
menarik ni.. rasa nak terjah panggung je..
Ratu Kebaya>
Haha.. Sila2 terjah... Jangan terjah kerusi orang kat depan tu dah la ya.. hehe...
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